
Explore more fruit-filled information with these fruitarians, their content and resources

Knowledge is power. Knowledge is confidence. Knowledge is something we can all share.

This resource list is by no means exhaustive. Drop me an email if you have other sources you’d like me to share.

book resources

Dr. Robert Morse

Long-term fruitarian. World renowned doctor. Main Website: - Video Website with a FANTASTIC search feature: - Informational Database: - Health Center: - Book: The Detox Miracle Sourcebook

Anne Osborne

Long-term fruitarian. Website: - Book: Fruitarianism, The Path to Paradise

Eli Martyr

Long-term fruitarian. Stunt performer. YouTube @TheFreeMelonSociety

Magdalena White

Long-term fruitarian. Healing coach. Website: - YouTube @rawcoconutgirl

Jeff Juices

Fruitarian. YouTube @jeffjuices

Bobby Smith

Fruitarian. YouTube @fruitup13 "Fruit Up With Bobby Smith"

Orvel Douglas

Long-term fruitarian. Holds Fruit Feast Challenges. Website:

Simon & Tina

Long-term fruitarians. YouTube @fitshortie

Ted Carr

Fruitarian. YouTube @teddycarr

book resources
Learn from the Greats

With These Books

How to Prolong Life by C. DeLacy Evans

1910 an inquiry into the cause of old age and natural death showing the diet & agents best adapted for a lengthened prolongation of human life on earth. Discussed in this video.

Medical Medium by Anthony William

Medical Medium reveals the true causes of chronic symptoms, conditions, and diseases that medical communities continue to misunderstand or struggle to understand at all.

The 80/10/10 Diet by Douglas Graham

Balancing your health, your weight, and your life one luscious bite at a time. Understanding the optimal ratio of macronutrients – carbohydrates, protein and fat.

Mucusless-Diet Healing System by Arnold Ehret

This scientific method of eating, developed by Ehret in 1922, presents a complete, workable program for cleansing, repairing, rebuilding, and maintaining a healthy body.

books resources

The History of Natural Hygiene and Principles of Natural Hygiene by Herbert M. Shelton

The book is divided into two parts, with the first part focusing on the history of natural hygiene, and the second part focusing on the principles of natural hygiene.

The Grape Cure by Johanna Brandt

Author Johanna Brandt shares a personal journey of living with cancer and her discovery of how the beneficial properties of grapes cured her disease by refreshing and purifying cell structures.

Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes by Neal Barnard

The scientifically proven system for reversing diabetes without drugs.

Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Includes 22 proven processes to improve your manifesting and help you feel more happiness now. I included this as it also teaches how to bring health and abundance into your life, which complements the fruitarian lifestyle.

books resources

Iodine: Why you need it. Why you can't live without it. by Dr. David Brownstein

Not only is iodine necessary for the production of thyroid, it is responsible for the production of all the other hormones in the body. Adequate iodine levels are necessary for proper immune function, as well. Check out Dr. Brownstein’s other health books!

The Iodine Crisis: What you don't know about iodine can wreck your life by Lynne Farrow

This book explains how humans became so deficient in iodine, & shows the time-tested solution to reversing many conditions. Lynne Farrow reveals how she and thousands of other patient-activists changed their lives by researching and using iodine.

video resources

Gillian Berry Videos

Gillian Berry is a long-term raw vegan who has many great interviews on her YouTube channel. Here are some of her fruitarian-focused ones.

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